Ses Canyes

Ses Canyes
Lizenz: Wikimedia commons,eldelinux
Islands: Formentera

Ses Canyes is situated at two kilometres from Sant Ferran de ses Roques, located on the northcoast of Formentera, between Cala en Baster and Platja de Tramuntana. In this natural setting nudism is allowed, the beach is not very crowded although the accessibility on the road is easy. This u-shaped sea inlet is quite small and calm, and it is surrounded by high, rocky abrupt and steep cliffs with no vegetation, and it is located in the interior of the long bay of Tramuntana, surrounded by puntas Prima y de sa Creu, incluyendo también Racó des Forat, es Picatxo, es Quintalar, es Quintalaret, Racó des Cans, Punta des Martinets, Penyal d’en Jaume, Punta Llarga, es Pujol des Vi, ses Platgets, Caló de Sant Agustí, es Racó de sa Pujada y Punta de sa Palmera. The marine and underwater conditions for anchoring boats are excellent. This bay is open to the wind from the northwest-north-northeast and east. You can anchor at one and a half hectometres from the coast on a sandy and rocky ground, and the depth ranges from five to seven metres. The nearby village of Sant Ferran de ses Roques has the most modern church of the island, consecrated in 1889. The difference between this one and the rest of the churches in Pitiüses is the latin cross shaped floor in two stretches,aswell as a transept. The facade is not whitewashed and it has a belfry. When the beach has a lifeguard service, you must follow the lifeguards’ instructions and the warnings on flags. A red flag indicates dangerous swimming conditions and means that swimming is not permitted. A yellow flag indicates that precaution must be taken, but that swimming is permitted. A green flag indicates that swimming is permitted. An orange flag is used to indicate that the lifeguard is absent. Act cautiously when no lifeguard is present or the service is not available and enjoy the beach without taking any unnecessary risks. For health and safety reasons, the municipal ordinances ban pets on beaches. Information about this beach may change. To confirm the data or consult changes or new features, please contact the municipal tourism office below: Tourist Information

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