Son Baulo

Lizenz: Wikimedia commons,IgnasiVR
Islands: Mallorca

Son Bauló is situated at nine kilometres from Santa Margalida. A beach, a torrent, a village and the only megalithic tomb found in Majorca (1700 BC) have the same name and belong to Àrea Natural d’Especial Interès de Son Real. This urban sandy area with fine-grained sand and small size is surrounded by medium-high rocky areas on the left and on the other side there is the mouth of the torrent with the same name, forming a wetland where we can find migratory birds, insects and amphibious. In the surroundings there are some hotels. This lateral disposition has also an influence on the underwater conditions. The sandy sediments of this area continue for hundreds of metres toward the sea, the cliff forms some rocks under the water and it is exposed to the winds from the north-northeast-east. This morphology is the reason why the navigator should keep an eye on the indications when he does the manoeuvre of anchoring his boat, on a sandy ground with seaweed at about five metres of depth at half a kilometre from the coast. The nearest port facilities are located at Port Esportiu Can Picafort, at half a nautical mile. The accessibility by car is easy from Artà or from Can Picafort. The private car can be left on a free parking area in the surroundings and the nearest bus stop is located at two hectometres from the beach. The residential and touristic character and the easy accessibility explain that Platja de Son Bauló is very crowded by local visitors and tourists. Information about this beach may change. To confirm the data or consult changes or new features, please contact the municipal tourism office below: Tourist Information – Can Picafort General information on the island: Tourist Information – Mallorca

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