Brent teaches Vinyasa to music. It was a little more challenging, so in my opinion more for advanced students, but as I said, yoga is about being aware of your body and only going so far that it feels good for your body. Debbie usually brings a deck of tarot cards and everyone is allowed to pick a card for their current topic. I found this very inspiring and also brings a bit of reflection into your life. I can only recommend both teachers Debbie and Brent.

Both teach from time to time at the Earth Yoga Studio in Santa Catalina. The studio manager is Jay and she is very nice and also teaches herself.

Both teach from time to time at the Earth Yoga Studio in Santa Catalina. The studio manager is Jay and she is very nice and also teaches herself.

The yoga studio in Santa Catalina is here: Earth Yoga
Carrer de Despuig, 34, Ponent, 07013 Palma, Illes Balears
There is also an Earth Yoga studio in Portals. But I haven’t been there yet and can’t say much about it at the moment.


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