Cala Mitjana

Cala Mitjana or s’Aduaia is situated at 10 kilometres from Artà. This quiet beautiful natural setting and the virgin aspect are the characteristics of this beach, and lack of drinking water made the building of a planned village impossible. This fine-grained sandy area, with some thistles and other bushes of marine plants is the end of a sea inlet which is quite short toward the interior, and this is why this beach is exposed to the winds that blow from the east-northeast-north-northwest. It is surrounded by low rocky areas. The right side is characterized by the absence of vegetation, whereas on the left side there is a thick and extensive pine wood. This rare vegetation has been reduced the fires. At the rear there is a system of dunes that continues for hundreds of metres until the beginning of the nearby hills. This morphological disposition explains that bathing here is very dangerous, as well as anchoring boats on a sandy ground with a depth of five metres, with a quite difficult manoeuvre. The nearest port facilities are located at Club Nàutic Cala Ratjada, at 5,4 nautical miles. The access on a sinuous steep and bad preserved road is easy following the signs. The private car can be left for free in the shade of the pine trees that reach the sand. These characteristics explain that the beach of Cala Mitjana is not crowded at all by local visitors. Because of this beach’s situation and exposure to winds, you must pay attention to weather conditions that make swimming and mooring boats unadvisable. When the beach has a lifeguard service, you must follow the lifeguards’ instructions and the warnings on flags. A red flag indicates dangerous swimming conditions and means that swimming is not permitted. A yellow flag indicates that precaution must be taken, but that swimming is permitted. A green flag indicates that swimming is permitted. An orange flag is used to indicate that the lifeguard is absent. Act cautiously when no lifeguard is present or the service is not available and enjoy the beach without taking any unnecessary risks. For health and safety reasons, the municipal ordinances ban pets on beaches. Information about this beach may change. To confirm the data or consult changes or new features, please contact the municipal tourism office below: Tourist Information – Artà General information on the island: Tourist Information – Mallorca Important Notice: This beach is located in a Marine Reserve Area. There are some restrictions on different activities including fishing, anchoring, sailing and diving. Further informationon: Reservas Marinas aguas exteriores Reservas Marinas aguas interiores Reserva Marina Llevant de Mallorca