Colonia de Sant Pere

Platja Colònia de Sant Pere is situated at 10 kilometres from Artà and belongs to the bay of Alcúdia. It is the only tourist area between Can Picafort and Capdepera, although the residential character is more important than the mass tourism, and the oldest one of the area (1880), which used to have an agricultural activity. This quiet beach begins next to the shelter of the breakwater of Club Nàutic Colònia de Sant Pere. The fine-grained golden sand has an arch-shaped extension of nearly two hectometres. The cove is closed by a modern promenade and banks in the shade of the tamarisks, with some terraces. Walking on this promenade you can reach the nearby Caló des Parral, with coarse-grained dark sand, crystal clear water and where Torrent de sa Font des Parral flows into the sea. The navigator who wants to anchor here is recommended not to do this manoeuvre next to the Club Nàutic Colònia de Sant Pere, because the ground is rocky with some seaweed, and he is not recommended to enter the port if the wind blows from the first and fourth quadrant or with storm because the infrastructure will be closed. The accessibility by car is easy following the signs. The private car can be left on a free parking area next to the beach. These characteristics explain that the beach is very crowded by local visitors and tourists. Information about this beach may change. To confirm the data or consult changes or new features, please contact the municipal tourism office below: Tourist Information – Artà General information on the island: Tourist Information – Mallorca