Es Calo-Ses Platgetes

Es Calo-Ses Platgetes
Lizenz: Wikimedia commons,Ben Coombs
Islands: Formentera

Es Caló de Sant Agustí-ses Platgetes are two beaches that belong to the touristic village of es Caló, located between Platja de Tramuntana and es Racó de sa Pujada, aswell as on the beginning of the track toward sa Mola (192 metres high). In this natural setting nudism is allowed. This coastal stretch is formed by some coves that follow each other, they are very small, with some rocky headlands, beaches with fine-grained white sand with some rocks here and there, system of dunes and a fixing vegetation (pine trees, bushes and scrubland), which continues at the rear, with a very gentle slope, crystal clear water and rocky ground and some sandy areas. This coastal corner is located in the interior of a very long bay, surrounded by Punta Prima and de sa Creu. This bay is open to the wind from the northwest-north-northeast-east and you can anchor at 150 metres from the coast, on a sandy and rocky ground, and the depth ranges from five to seven metres. Es Caló-ses Platgetes used to be the second natural port of Formentera and a communication channel toward the exterior for the residents of the headland of La Mola. The accessibility by car is easy following the signs and the deviations. The private car, moped or bicycle can be left on a free parking area in the surroundings. You can also reach this beach with the public transport. The nearest bus stop is located at half a hectometre. These characteristics explain that the beach is not too crowded by local visitors and tourists. When the beach has a lifeguard service, you must follow the lifeguards’ instructions and the warnings on flags. A red flag indicates dangerous swimming conditions and means that swimming is not permitted. A yellow flag indicates that precaution must be taken, but that swimming is permitted. A green flag indicates that swimming is permitted. An orange flag is used to indicate that the lifeguard is absent. Act cautiously when no lifeguard is present or the service is not available and enjoy the beach without taking any unnecessary risks. For health and safety reasons, the municipal ordinances ban pets on beaches. Information about this beach may change. To confirm the data or consult changes or new features, please contact the municipal tourism office below: Tourist Information

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