Estany Des Peix

Estany des Peix belongs to the village of la Savina. A coastal barrier of nearly 3,4 kilometres of this coastline, which goes from Caló de s’Oli until the left breakwater of Port de la Savina, separates this bay, which is very closed, it has a perimetre of four kilometres and it is only open to the sea through a very small entrance which looks like a channel (20 metres large and one long), sa Boca, from the Mediterranean Sea, and it is unique in the Balearic Islands. The coast is characterized by the very long area with small coves, a relaxed atmosphere (the beach is not too crowded by local visitors), it has a very gentle slope (at 80 metres from the coast there is a depth of 1,5 metres and in the centre of the bay of three metres), there is no swell, sandy ground with seaweed, and marine fauna. The small coves are used to beach small boats, for diving, sailing, waterski, and swimming for children. Nudism is frequent. The western area is adjacent to es Estanyets (the small ponds), saline reservoirs of the Roman period, which are not longer in use, integrated in a small valley. A lot of migratory birds come to this wetland to find some food or to hibernate. Nests are not very frequent because of the lack of vegetation in the surroundings. there are lots of seagulls and cormorans, whereas in the rest of Formentera they are unusual. When the beach has a lifeguard service, you must follow the lifeguards’ instructions and the warnings on flags. A red flag indicates dangerous swimming conditions and means that swimming is not permitted. A yellow flag indicates that precaution must be taken, but that swimming is permitted. A green flag indicates that swimming is permitted. An orange flag is used to indicate that the lifeguard is absent. Act cautiously when no lifeguard is present or the service is not available and enjoy the beach without taking any unnecessary risks. For health and safety reasons, the municipal ordinances ban pets on beaches. Information about this beach may change. To confirm the data or consult changes or new features, please contact the municipal tourism office below: Tourist Information