
Lizenz: Wikimedia commons,Jordi Gili
Islands: Mallorca

Estanys, Raconada de s’Estany, es Molí de s’Estany o Platja des Marquès (these are the names or es Coto of this beach which belongs to Campos) is situated at seven kilometres from ses Salines, between Punta de sa Llova and des Tords. This part of the coast is the first one that belongs to the municipality of ses Salines. The rear part of this fine-grained sandy beach with gentle slope is characterized by a system of dunes, fixed by marine iris, thistle, bushes and pine trees. This vegetation subsists in very hard environmental conditions, like the sun, the high degree of salinity and the shortage of water. In the interior part we will find els Estanys or Salines de sa Vall, which gave the name to the beach and the municipality. The researchers think that these lakes were already exploited by the Romans who came to the south of Majorca and that it is one of the two majorcan towns quoted by Plinius, Guius o Tucis. This complex ecosystem is part of the Àrea Natural d’Especial Interès es Trenc-es Salobrar de Campos. The marine and underwater conditions of this sandy area are the best for anchoring a boat, because it is the most sheltered of the southwest compared to the nearby and not recommended Peregons Petits and Platja des Trenc. Els Estanys has a ground of sand and seaweed, at a depth of three metres maximum. The nearest port facilities are located at Port Colònia de Sant Jordi. Information about this beach may change. To confirm the data or consult changes or new features, please contact the municipal tourism office below: Tourist Information – Sant Jordi General information on the island: Tourist Information – Mallorca

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