
Lizenz: Wikimedia commons,Paul Stepenhson
Islands: Menorca

Platja de Binigaus is situated at four kilometres from es Migjorn Gran, located between Punta Rabiosa and Rodona, as well as next to the village of Sant Tomàs (you will reach this beach walking for 15 minutes from this residential area on Camí de Cavalls). It belongs to the Àrea Natural d’Especial Interès which goes from Cala Mitjana to this coastal corner. The coast of es Migjorn Gran has cliffs with a maximum height of 40 metres, with sea inlets which are the origin of isolated, virgin and beautiful coves, although Binigaus is the first beach of the south coast that is not like that. A u-shaped sea inlet which is the origin of this enormous bay, totally open to the sea, is situated at on the left side of Platja de Binigaus. This coast is characterized by being very long, it has rocky areas on the western natural breakwater, covered by thick pine trees that reach the coastline, and Illot de Binicodrell on the eastern area which separates it from the adjacent beaches. It has a flat beach with quite fine-grained sand and pebbles, it is exposed to the wind from the southeast-south-southwest, a gentle breeze, calm crystal clear water, it is not too crowded by local visitors and tourists, and at the rear there is a system of dunes and some agricultural land. The marine and underwater conditions for anchoring boats are not good because it is not very deep and it is totally unsheltered. Between the beach and the small island you can only navigate if the weather is good and with small boats. Information about this beach may change. To confirm the data or consult changes or new features, please contact the tourism office below: Tourist Information – Menorca

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