Cala En Cavaller

Cala en Cavaller is situated at 15 kilometres from Maó, located between Morro de sa Falconera and Cap de Mossèn Vives. It belongs to the Àrea Natural d’Especial Interès de s’Albufera es Grau (70 hectares in area, and an average depth of 1,5 metres, very rich landscape with many species of flora and fauna, so that the Unesco declared Menorca Reserve of the Biosphere in 1993. This virgin and beautiful beach is the result of a sea inlet that is the origin of this gravel area which is about 40 metres long. It is surrounded by the hills that reach the sea. These rocks are quite high, they have a green cover of bushes and scrubland, which reach the coastline. The marine and underwater conditions for anchoring boats are not safe, although this cove is sheltered by Cap de Mossèn Vives. Nevertheless this coastal corner belongs to the stretch between s’Illa (island) de Colom and Cap de Favàritx or Punta de Capifort, two and a half nautical miles of high coast, irregular and stony, so that navigation in this area is difficult, due to the fact that it is full of flagstones, sandbanks and reefs. The small coves and sea inlets that you can find here and there between Punta de ses Àguiles (south) and Cap de Mossèn Vives, have natural obstacles that make the access to the sea difficult. These characteristics explain that the beach is not very crowded by local visitors and tourists. Information about this beach may change. To confirm the data or consult changes or new features, please contact the municipal tourism office below: Tourist Information – Menorca