De Ferragut

Lizenz: Wikimedia commons, Isidre blanc
Islands: Menorca

Platja de Cavalleria is situated at nine kilometres from es Mercadal, located between Punta des Vernís and de Ferragut. This coastal stretch is sheltered by the impressive Cap de Cavalleria (the northernmost cape of Menorca, with cliffs that rise 80 metres above the sea level, with spectacular panoramic views; you can reach it from the beach walking along a trail). It belongs to Àrea Natural d’Especial Interès de Cavalleria. This sea inlet is characterized by being the origin of two virgin coves with fine-grained golden sand, it has the shape of a shell, it is quite big, with a system of dunes and a rare fixing vegetation at the rear, gentle slope, an orientation toward north, gentle breeze, the swell is moderate, and there is an area for mud baths on the right side; it is surrounded by medium-high cliffs and it is frequented by small boats. Nudism is usual. The marine and underwater conditions for anchoring boats are not safe. Next to Punta des Vernís there is a reef, known as s’Escull d’en Vernís, and the strait is very dangerous. The best shelters are Port de Sanitja or Cala Torta. The accessibility by car is easy following the signs. The last stretch is in bad conditions. The private car can be left on a free parking area in the surroundings. These characteristics explain that the beach is not very crowded by local visitors and tourists. Information about this beach may change. To confirm the data or consult changes or new features, please contact the municipal tourism office below: Tourist Information – Es Mercadal General information on the island: Tourist Information – Menorca

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