De S'Arenal

Lizenz: Wikimedia commons,RafelJuan
Islands: Mallorca

S’Arenal is a privileged urban beach that is located in the very heart of the bay of Sant Antoni, extending from the Paseo de la Mar roundabout to the end formed by Punta des MolĂ­. Its fine sands are home to all kinds of services and facilities that make it easier to enjoy the beach: ramps, showers, water attractions, bars, calisthenics, restaurants… On this beach, and throughout the year, sporting events and very diverse activities take place for all types of public; such as the fun recreation of an ancient battle between the Romans and the Carthaginians that is celebrated during the Sant Bartomeu festivities. During the day, nautical activities such as kayaking or paddle surfing take center stage, alternating with others such as beach volleyball. At night, the extensive sandbank is transformed into a lively entertainment center that brings together a multitude of visitors attracted by its diverse venues. More information at

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