Punta Galera

Punta Galera
Lizenz: Wikimedia commons,Gianni Careddu
Islands: Ibiza

Punta de sa Galera is situated at one kilometre from Banyalbufar, between ses Escaletes and Punta Grossa, and also below the Coll de sa Bastida and Puig de ses Planes (339 metres high). This place belongs to the Àrea Natural d’Especial Interès Serra de Tramuntana. This coastal stretch between Punta de es Cavall Bernat and Port de Banyalbufar is characterized by the cliffs, which are more than three hectometres high and an abrupt and steep coastline, with lots of reefs, and many pebbles. The coastal area of Banyalbufar has in its sediments the facts of the Primary era (with its greyish colour, similar to slate, of the Paleozoic period) and of the Secondary era (with the reddish colour of the Triasic period). This fact explains that this part of Majorca is one of the oldest of the Balearic Islands, some 300 million years. Some of the deformations took place at the end of the Palozoic, when the block of Pangea was formed. The current continents come from this mass once it broke. The marine and underwater conditions of Punta de sa Galera are good for anchoring boats, because it is sheltered from the winds of this area. The navigators in this stretch prefer sa Galera because it is the easiest place to anchor. The nearest port facilities are located at Port de Sóller. Information about this beach may change. To confirm the data or consult changes or new features, please contact the tourism office below: Tourist Information – Mallorca

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