Patricia, how you come to yoga?

I When I was 18 years old, I had a motorbike accident that resulted in poor rehabilitation. Two years later, I still felt pain from my foot to my knee. I consulted various doctors and experts, and they all told me that I had to accept the fact that I would feel this pain for the rest of my life. However, I refused to accept this and continued to seek other solutions. Someone recommended that I see an osteopath.
During my therapy and acupuncture sessions with the osteopath, he suggested that I start practicing yoga, assuring me that it would aid in my rehabilitation. From the day I began yoga, I started to make peace with my body and noticed how it gradually helped me heal. Eventually, my pain disappeared. I realized that yoga was like a medicine for me and also like a form of self-massage. It was capable of healing various types of pain, including those related to office work and other activities. 

What was the decisive moment for you to become a Yoga teacher? 

After studying tourism and business management, I was living in Madrid and had the opportunity to work in Dubai for Marriott International for a year. This role was designed to give me insight into how each department operates and to launch a promising career. At that moment, I questioned whether to follow this path or if it would be more fulfilling to become a yoga teacher and open my own business.
I had been practicing yoga since I was 20 years old and had been involved in dance, theatre, and singing since I was 8 years old. I noticed that these activities were closely related to yoga postures. Yoga made me feel incredibly good, and my friends, who were already asking me for individual and group yoga classes, loved it too. 

Additionally, since childhood, I had been learning the Can-Pal Point method, which is an archive of memories from the material world that, when connected, helps to ground you, providing clarity, direction, and mental quietness.

I decided to turn down the career opportunity in Dubai to train as a yoga teacher in India. I attended a highly regarded yoga school in Rishikesh, certified by Yoga Alliance. I also decided to integrate the Can-Pal Point method into my yoga teachings.

What types of yoga do you teach on the island? What is important to you in your teaching? What experience would you like to pass on? 

I teach Hatha Yoga, Yin Yoga, Therapeutic Yoga, and Vinyasa Yoga, always integrating the Can-Pal Point method. I integrate this method because, instead of working with the chakras, I found that by anchoring the person directly to this point (which is not a chakra), the chakras automatically balance themselves, calming the person more effectively. This point is located exactly in the center of the body, where the pubic bone ends. It is essentially the first cell after the union of the egg and the sperm, marking the beginning of the formation of each individual’s physical body. A small cluster of 8 cells forms, carrying all the information that the rest of the body’s cells need from the beginning to the end of a person’s life to understand their functions. Translated into quantum terms, this means that this point contains the recording of the entire world of matter, evolution, life, and intelligence from the beginning.
For me, connection with this point is crucial because, when we position ourselves there energetically, mentally, or spiritually, the two memories (material and spiritual) unite. This union makes a person feel clearer, free from mental and emotional contaminations. This is the experience I aim to transmit in my classes through yoga. Besides balancing the body and mind, I believe that grounding is fundamental for a harmonious life with oneself and one’s surroundings. This is why I also use a shamanic drum during Shavasana (the relaxation moment) to balance the vibrations of the individual and the group. 

Where or in which studios do you teach in Ibiza?

I teach classes in my own space in Sant Josep de sa Talaia, outdoors, and in winter in a transparent tent, nestled in nature among pine and juniper trees, facing the highest mountain in Ibiza. We enjoy wonderful sunsets behind the mountain with the sounds of nature. I also offer yoga experiences with live music during the practice, meditation, and kirtan.

Additionally, I conduct sessions on another private plot in the heart of the Sa Talaia mountain, where we start with an immersion in the forest, engaging the senses, followed by a yoga class and ending with a small snack.

In 2023, I also opened a holistic wellness center in partnership with another yoga teacher, located in the center of Ibiza. Here, I teach my classes and offer individual consultations. I provide private classes at home, for events such as the Ibiza Yoga Week, and more. I also organize yoga retreats with groups, outside of Ibiza, including cultural immersion.

Can you recommend any hotspots for outdoor yoga or healthy food restaurants on the

The restaurants in Cala d’Hort and El Carmen offer completely traditional food with a view of the Es Vedrá islet, situated on a beautiful beach. Some lovely places to practice yoga outdoors include Benirrás, Cala Conta, and Cala Vadella—these are some of my favorite spots. And of course, in my own outdoor spaces 😉


Do you have a special tip for tourists who want to treat themselves to some time
out in Ibiza?

They can choose tranquil coves, mountain hiking, and countryside walks, as well as
visits to our archaeological museums, as most Phoenician remains have been
found here. It’s an island where many artists came and still come to be
inspired, and you can still enjoy their art in various forms such as
architecture, paintings, sculptures, etc. Also, they can look for small local
concerts to experience the local music scene.




Yoga Ibiza Puntacal Patricia Mari

For more information about my yoga classes, retreats and meditations you can visit my site. 

click here to find the studio


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